On Tuesday, 13th December the Hungarian Social Forum organizer has assured his support to Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban for having refused to sign in Brussels the new agreement with the European Union restricting the Sovreignity and the Right of Hungary to the national development. At the same time Endre Simó has taken the initiative to make public as soon as possible the full text of the draft of agreement, in order to grant the country the opportunity to form an opinion. Any new agreement between Hungary and the EU must lie on the mutual interests, and not on the right of the stronger with the weaker – he told.
The way to change the subordination and the beeing at the mercy of our country does not pass by the aggravation of the subordination and the beeing at the mercy, but by the strengthening of the national economy, by the limitation of the source-pumping out and the restriction of the preveleges of the transnationals. Instead of the multinationals must be boosted the national enterprises, the co-operatives, the state owned and mixed companies – he told.
The development is a national interest and goal, it has to be the common cause of Left and Right. EU leading countries (EU Centre) cannot wait from Hungary, nor from other countries of Centre and Eastern Europe, to make sacrifices for the Prosperity of the Centre at the price of the destabilisation of our Societies. Similarly to many other counries of EU Hungary is hited by a heavy crisis of livelihood. The exacerbation of this crisis could entail consequences that are difficult to foresee for whole Europe. Hungary’s economy is dominated by international corporations pumping out every year untaxed billions of euros to the Centre produced in Hungary. This enormous source-drawing out – jointly with the sinking of debts – is the biggest hurdle of the internal growing and the expansion of the employment. If also the national budget would lug out from the national sphere of authority, and delegated to supra-national levels, the margin of the hungarian policy would rather reduce, and the national governments of every time could still less enforce the hungarian national Rights.
At the opinion of Simó it is correct that PM has applyed to the National Assembly regarding the Sovreignity, but he also has called the attention, that a conflict could breake out between the government and the Society, if the ruling coalition majority would not represent the national interests with proprietary solicitude. National Assembly must learn from the collapse of the Lisbon Treaty firstly ratified unanimously by the Hungarian National Assembly on 17th December 2007! At that time the Hungarian Social Forum has urged a popular referendum, because he was sure that it is necessary to ask directly the opinion of the People in a matter of such great importance.+++
Budapest, 13-12-2011