In a Press Release edited on Sunday by the title „Social Justice and Black Bloc”, the Hungarian Social Forum SR has energically condemned the Black Bloc vandalism of Saturday in Rome, and has fully supported the protest of the peacefully demonstrating people against the domination of the banks and of big financial groups over the Society. The HSF news presents the mass demonstrations social demands of the „Indignated” protesting from New York to Tokyo, from Paris to Warsaw, and tells, that in the so called „emerging” countries of Central and Eastern Europe social cuts are completed by the restriction of Rights to job, to Trade Union activity and of the Democratic Rights of Freedom. The case of the new hungarian Fundamental Agreement excluding the Right to Job is cited as a tipical exemple. (This new Charter will replace from 1st January the Constitution of the Hungarian Republic up to now recognising the Right to Job.) The text of the Press Release continues: „HSF SR is by the side of the Working and Creating People. He wants to enforce their Truth. The Working Society is not interested in the destruction but in the construction: in the implementation of a real Democracy in oppositon with the domination of the big corporations, for put in practice the Human Rights to live, to dignity, to Peace and Security.+++

16th October 2011


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