By Endre Simó

95 years ago, on 4th June 1920 was signed the Treaty of Trianon, what british prime minister, Baldwin has defined with the following words: Peace in Europe has finished on the day of the Peace Treaty of Trianon.

In the sense of the Peace Treaty ¾ of the territory and 2/3 of the population of Hungary have been detached. Hungary could keep 92.963 km2 of his 382.870 km2 surface and 7.615.117 of his 18.264.533 population.


In contrast to the other treaties of the Peace System of Versailles, the Treaty of Trianon did not include, nor apply the principle of the plebiscite. - It was not possible to hold a plebiscite in the Upper Northern, because the vote against of the people would have hindered the foundation of Czechoslovakia. We had to choose between the setting up of Czechoslovakia and the plebiscite – told first Czechoslovakia’s President, Tomás Garrigue Masaryk. Though the principle of Self-determination has been violated the most flagrantly in the case of our country, Hungary was not the only victim of the injustice. The Self-determination of Ireland, Egypt and India have been baffled too. Nor the new States, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia were born from the Right of Self-determination. The principle of Self-determination has been outplaced by the practice of the winner powers to the new repartition of the World, and the blocking of the revolutionary changement in the Soviet Union. – Peace has been inflicted on them, a Peace of extortionists, killers and slaughterers.. an unheard-of Peace, a Peace of robbers… this is not Peace, these are conditions dictated by highwaymen with knife in the hands to their defenceless victims – Lenin caracterised the Versailles Peace system. Prime Minister of Italy, Francesco Nitti has told: No country has been impoverished more vilely than Hungary. But that country is the homeland of strong people in spirit, who will no resign to the destruction of their fatherland. Hungary’s mutilation is so ignominious, that nobody assumes responsibility for it. Everybody pretend of no knowing, everybody is keeping silent shyly. The allusion to the Self-determination is a simple lying formule… they have abused their victory by the most vilely manner… There no exist any french, english or italian people who would accept for his own country the conditions imposed to Hungary.

Since Trianon the principle of Sef-determination of the Peoples has been violated many and many a time around the World, including Europe. Today the most sightly violation is happening in Ukraine, where peoples, national minorities and ethnics, composing the country, amongst them Hungarians and Rusins living in Sub-Carpathian region and the 7,5 millions of Russians living in Eastern Ukraine, are deprived even of the Right to use their mother tongue. This happens with the agreement of the United States and his support to the groupe on power in Kiev. With the collaboration of the World Power subordinating the Self-determination to the interest of expansion to East, and which Hungary has entered in alliance with in the frame of NATO.


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